Director: Mike Leigh
Cast includes: Timothy Spall, Kay Stonham, Eric Richard
95 Mins / 1982 / UK

BBC Play For Today: Three postal workers and their dysfunctional families interact over cups of tea and Sunday dinner. Gordon (Timothy Spall), Stan and Harold sort mail. While the clueless Harold's at work, Stan nips round for loveless sex with Harold's near-sighted, romance-starved wife. When Gordon's out, Hazel invites Stan in for tea, randy talk, and to show off her newly-thin figure.

Timothy Spall, (whose father was a postman) described Mike Leigh of "elevating and making both amusing and tragic, what most people in life go through".

Mike Leigh himself has given us his blessing for this screening, saying he's "honoured and delighted that we would think of screening it".

And yes, that is Sergeant Bob Cryer from The Bill, all young and sprightly.