03 April 2019 / Annie Waite

Hastings Palestine Solidarity Presents

See Naila and the Uprising, and female racers in Speed Sisters.

We're hosting two screenings with Hastings Palestine Solidarity Campaign in May:

Friday 10 May 8pm - Naila and the Uprising

Saturday 11 May 8pm - Speed Sisters

Commemorating Nakba Day - The Nakba, Arabic word for catastrophe, is used to describe the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians in 1946/9 by Israeli forces. During this period, over ¾ million Palestinians fled their homes and about 550 villages were destroyed or occupied. Many descendants still live in refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

There is an ongoing Nakba:7 million refugees worldwide have the right to return to their homes, a guarantee passed by the UN Resolution 194 in 1948, and they are denied this right by Israel. Palestine Solidarity campaigns for a just peace for Palestine and Israel but realises this cannot be achieved until the Nakba is acknowledged and International Law upheld. 

Find out more at the Hastings Palestine Solidarity Campaign website.